V prispevku se osredotočamo na gradivno identifikacijo in osnovno tipološko klasifikacijo semantema grad v slovanskih pravljicah. Na osnovi medbesedilnegan in medkulturnega soočenja skušamo razkriti bistvena načela upodabljanja gradu, tj. ugotoviti, v katerih pripovednih situacijah in predmetno-motivskih konstelacijah je izbrani semantem ikoniziran, ter razjasniti njegovo funkcijo in arhetipski pomen v metaforiki slovanskih pravljic. Predpostavljamo, da grad v svetu pravljic in magičnih zgodb predstavlja svojevrsten in ugleden topos, ki je sestavni del potovanja literarnega lika (Campbell) oz. njegove iniciacije (Propp, Hodrová) ali individualizacije (Jung, Hollis, Bettelheim). Prispevek predstavlja osnovni pregled obravnavane tematike. ...
The aim of this article is to find and characterize possible traces of existential motifs in the ear...
The Pragma-Stylistic Profile and the Purpose of Headlines in Alternative Internet Journalism Regar...
The main goal of this report is to highlight the necessity of cooperation between various folk group...
Expressing physical conditions of a living substance in Slavic languagesThe article presents a new a...
The study deals with the prose writer Martin Kukučín´s „Prague period“, namely the troubles with the...
The study points out the difference between literary science code and school politics code, manifest...
Dom, ktorý ma svojou osobitosťou ovplyvňuje od detstva po súčasnosť pohlcuje vegetácia a v interiéri...
Predkladaný príspevok sa zameriava na postavu a priestor, resp. prostredie, v českom a slovenskom (d...
Normally, the sequences of graphic language devices function as “building material” for morphemes an...
Language Landscape of Banská Bystric (Continuity of Texts and Intersection of Ethnic Groups) The la...
Phraseological stocks of all languages contain numerous phrasemes with zoonym components. Inthe pape...
Following article aims to provide interpretation of 72nd anniversary celebration of Slovak National ...
The article focuses on the problem of subject and subjectivity in contemporary Slovak lyric poetry....
Folk art production is a valuable part of cultural heritage and a significant form of expression of ...
“That Czech Song of Ours” by Karel Hašler is a well-known song that arouses patriotic sentiments amo...
The aim of this article is to find and characterize possible traces of existential motifs in the ear...
The Pragma-Stylistic Profile and the Purpose of Headlines in Alternative Internet Journalism Regar...
The main goal of this report is to highlight the necessity of cooperation between various folk group...
Expressing physical conditions of a living substance in Slavic languagesThe article presents a new a...
The study deals with the prose writer Martin Kukučín´s „Prague period“, namely the troubles with the...
The study points out the difference between literary science code and school politics code, manifest...
Dom, ktorý ma svojou osobitosťou ovplyvňuje od detstva po súčasnosť pohlcuje vegetácia a v interiéri...
Predkladaný príspevok sa zameriava na postavu a priestor, resp. prostredie, v českom a slovenskom (d...
Normally, the sequences of graphic language devices function as “building material” for morphemes an...
Language Landscape of Banská Bystric (Continuity of Texts and Intersection of Ethnic Groups) The la...
Phraseological stocks of all languages contain numerous phrasemes with zoonym components. Inthe pape...
Following article aims to provide interpretation of 72nd anniversary celebration of Slovak National ...
The article focuses on the problem of subject and subjectivity in contemporary Slovak lyric poetry....
Folk art production is a valuable part of cultural heritage and a significant form of expression of ...
“That Czech Song of Ours” by Karel Hašler is a well-known song that arouses patriotic sentiments amo...
The aim of this article is to find and characterize possible traces of existential motifs in the ear...
The Pragma-Stylistic Profile and the Purpose of Headlines in Alternative Internet Journalism Regar...
The main goal of this report is to highlight the necessity of cooperation between various folk group...